vt240 & termcaps / escape key problems

Joel Andrew Huddleston j1h9453 at eagle.tamu.edu
Wed Jun 26 01:21:42 AEST 1991

In article <V7S4BNZ at dri.com>, braun at dri.com (Kral) writes:
|> The problem is, the escape key on the vt240 sends a "<esc>]23~", which editors
|> like vi interpret as a combination of garbage and "change case" commands; the
|> usual affect is to change the case of the character under the cursor and move
|> the cursor forward one character.
|> Her TERM env variable is set to vt200.  What are we doing wrong?

The problem is that the key labeled (ECS) on the vt240 keyboard is only
an escape key if you are in vt100 mode.  In the GENERAL setup on the terminal,
set the first real select box to "vt100 mode" and the (ESC) key will work
like an escape alone.  Or, press ctrl-[ to send an escape.  It is generally
just as easy to find as the F11 key anyway.

If neither of these is acceptable, you could add a commmand to her .exrc file
which maps ^[[23~ to just ^[.  It would look something like this:
:map! ^[[23~ ^[
To enter the two escape characters, you will have to type ^V first.

I hope one of these ideas helps.

Joel Huddleston  eka j1h9453 at zeus.tamu.edu
     Peace: Not just the absence of war but the absence of fear.
       War: Not just the absence of peace but the absence of cowardice.
Disclaimer: Not just the absence of blame but the absence of repsponsiblilty.

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