Device driver help

Mark Parenti map at decvax.DEC.COM
Wed Jun 12 23:41:41 AEST 1991

In article <22345 at>, grr at (George Robbins) writes:
|> In article <haines.676665330 at valkyrie> haines at (Mark Haines) writes:

|> >    It might be good if someone out there could suggest a book or paper on
|> > writing a device driver. I've looked through a couple of Unix books and
|> > understand the basic principles, but not the specifics.
|> There are several sources: The Unix Device Driver Book, which is mostly
|> oriented towards AT&T unix, some documents in the Sun manual set which
|> are partly sun specific, but at least talk in BSD terms and there is a
|> new document in the Ultrix 4.2 manual set which describes writing turbo-
|> channel drivers, which is probably the only Ultrix specific thing you'll
|> find.  There were rumors of some other Ultrix driver manual or paper,
|> but it wasn't general distribution or may have only been available to
|> source licencees, perhaps one of the DEC people could comment.  Finally,
|> the 4.3BSD Unix Operating System book by Leffler et. all. has a good
|> overview of the I/O system and driver requirements.

The guide included with V4.2 (Guide to Writing and Porting VMEbus and
TURBOchannel Device Drivers) includes a lot of general ULTRIX device driver
information, including how to include a driver into the kernel, the steps
you should go through for driver installation, and an appendix of kernel 
routine manpages.

If you can't get V4.2 you might try to contact your salesperson or the 
TRIADD organization to see if you can get a copy of the manual.

There are plans to do a more comprehensive set of books which would include a
device driver tutorial.

Mark Parenti
ULTRIX Engineering Group
map at

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