a graphics library (3D) for Ultrix with DecWindows?

Philip Yzarn de Louraille yzarn at lhdsy1.chevron.com
Mon Jun 17 02:00:09 AEST 1991

In article <1991Jun15.173056.10739 at athena.mit.edu> mlevin at jade.tufts.edu writes:
>    I have Ultrix 4.2 running on a VaxStation II, with the normal
>workstation DecWindows stuff (no MIT X stuff, etc.). Are there any
... deleted text...
Are you sure you do not have *any* MIT X stuff like xhost, just to
mention one of the most used x commands? Since DECWindows is built on
top of X, your comment seems like you are talking with blinds on.

  Philip Yzarn de Louraille                 Internet: yzarn at chevron.com
  Research Support Division                 Unix & Open Systems
  Chevron Information & Technology Co.      Tel: (213) 694-9232
  P.O. Box 446, La Habra, CA 90633-0446     Fax: (213) 694-7709

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