UNIX 3.0 and f77 and user overlays

utzoo!decvax!ucbvax!menlo70!sri-unix!CSVAX.william at Berkeley utzoo!decvax!ucbvax!menlo70!sri-unix!CSVAX.william at Berkeley
Wed Dec 30 23:28:12 AEST 1981

Origionally Ted Kowalski put user space overlays into 3.0 at Bell
which are very simular to the UCB ones. He told me that f77 worked
fine with them on an 11/40.

But this was a long time ago, and I don't know wheither it made it into
the "public" release. It was in the BTL USG 3.0 manual however (look 
at the ld(1) page). 

The major diff between UCB and 3.0 overlays was that Ted bothered to
independately swap the overlay segments, while UCB overlays are always
in core. The tradeoff was speed vs. complexity, and I decided  I wanted
the speed (since the complexity did'nt by me anything on the 3.2MB 11/70
I was using at the time).

	Bill Jolitz.

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