Net software on V7 UNIX with the BBN NCP.

utzoo!duke!decvax!ucbvax!the.tty.of.Geoffrey.S.Goodfellow utzoo!duke!decvax!ucbvax!the.tty.of.Geoffrey.S.Goodfellow
Thu Jun 25 13:23:41 AEST 1981

I have an 11/44 system here at SRI on a project that I am associated
with which runs V7 (of which flavor I don't know, i.e.  virgin, nBSD,
etc, but something has been mentioned about Berkeley => USGS =>
Lincoln-Labs => BBN[which is where I got it from, the first V7 system
`out the door from BBN'].

It seems to run an adapted V6 BBN NCP with using /dev/network for all
net accesses and we are on the net via an ACC LD/DH, if that helps?

Now, for the problems!

1) The `host' program [which i here by nominate as the `most
cretinous' program on UNIX -- I don't think there is a program which
has more switches and marginal documentation than this one!]  on our
V7 system seems to truncate the host_map file when it is generated.  I
have never really found out (the documentation lacking of course)
exactly how a host_map and host_map.bin is supposed to be generated
and from what files.  What I want to do is edit a version of a
provided host_map and produce a host_map.bin from it.  Two things
happen when i do that with ours, one is that all nicknames get
stripped and also the host_map file gets erroneously truncated!

2) Anyone got a working version of `netstat'?  Ours bombs out with a
trap when run.

3) When using a TENEX or TOPS-20 system via User TELNET from this UNIX
system and you attempt to use a display program on the remote host
(like EMACS fer instance) TENEX then tries to negotiate binary/image
mode, however, the User TELNET doesn't know about that, and hence,
display programs won't work, because TENEX isn't able to negotiate
binary/image mode.  Anyone got a version of TELNET that operates on
this NCP that will work in this mode?

4) When coming into the UNIX system via Server TELNET, and I put my
User TELNET on TENEX into TRANSPARENT/Image-BInary mode, my connection
hangs until i un-transparentify the connection.  My guess is the
Server TELNET can't handle this negotiation either.

Anyone running this NCP and V7 who might have run into these problems
and has fixes or ideas, please get in touch...

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