funny characters in filenames

gwyn at brl-vld gwyn at brl-vld
Thu Aug 11 04:56:45 AEST 1983

From:      Doug Gwyn (VLD/VMB) <gwyn at brl-vld>

Gee, you're right.  Starting with System III (apparently) there is this
kludge to handle files with 1 link differently from files with multiple
links when the file is written out.  In the process they invent a
temporary file in the same directory as the real file, and a BEL
character is used to ensure that the temp name does not conflict with
any possible real filenames in the directory.  This does reinforce the
argument that "normal" user filenames do not have control characters.

I had thought you were talking about the /tmp files; my apologies.

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