"$@ in shell"

scw at ucla-locus scw at ucla-locus
Thu Aug 25 00:22:00 AEST 1983

From:  Steve Woods <cepu!scw at ucla-locus>

    In-Reply-To: clyde.105

    Previous articles have requested that no changes be made to sh since
    Unix waters flowing.

I would much rather see a (semi)stagnant UNIX* that to have programs
suddenly break. There is a mechanism in UNIX to allow different shells;
if it is that important to someone to have $@ include "" args then haque
up sh and call it atsh or some such and make it be said users login shell.
Or vice versa (call sh osh).
*Flame on*
Contrary to popular belief IBM 370's, FORTRAN ,and COBOL are *NOT*
obsolete, rather they are still viable useful products with many years
of life ahead of them (30XXen and 43XXen are still 370 flavored machines).
Some people (poor benighted heathen) actually prefer to write COBOL,
and as everyone knows REAL PROGRAMMERS always write FORTRAN.
One of the ***BIG*** problems with some operating systems is the regular
flow of new, often incompatable, and usually buggy releases.
*Flame off*

*UNIX iatoBL

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