filename hoopla

eric at cit-vax eric at cit-vax
Thu Aug 4 07:02:47 AEST 1983

You can always get rid of a filename  with junk in it by doing "rm -i *"
and answering 'y' at the right moment. Some  programs  (our  version  of
Zimmerman's emacs was one) set high order bits in file names exactly for
the reason that they don't want these files casually deleted.  One  user
level scheme for handling version numbers a la TOPS-20 or VMS used  high
order bits. So there are reasons for keeping the  capability.  I see  no
reason to impose unnecessary restrictions on filename characters, or  on
anything else. So what if once in a blue moon a novice user comes to you
and can't delete a file.

	       * Eric Holstege  Caltech, Pasadena, CA.
	       * eric at cit-vax   ...!{ucbvax!cithep,research}!citcsv!eric

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