Bus speeds. - (nf)

Jaap Akkerhuis jaap at haring.UUCP
Thu Dec 15 23:06:05 AEST 1983

The maximum speed for the Unibus ever quoted is 2.5 Mbyte/sec.
The maximum speed for the Q-bus ever quoted is 4 Mbyte/sec, (using
the new block block mode DMA).

More practical speeds are:
Unibus	1.7 Mbyte/sec
Q-bus	1.2 Mbyte/sec

Maximum speeds other buses:
Name		speed Mbyte/sec		comments

Multibus	10		(not Multibus II, iBLX option 19 Mbyte/sec)
VME-bus		20		(the new VMX option 48 Mbytes)
VERSA-bus	20
STD-bus		ca. 2.5
S-100		ca. 4

In the European UNIX* systems User Group Unix micros Catalog you will find
an overview ca. 100 brands of hardware, which all are supposed to run a
flavour of Unix and an article discussing bus-speeds, how to interpret
the figures and a short overview of the capabilities of the various

The booklet can be ordered from:

	The Secretary EUUG
	Owles Hall
	Buntingford, Herts
	SG9 9PL
	United Kingdom

The bus handbook from DEC doesn't specify the speed for UNIBUS, LSI-11 or
Massbus. Note also that the LSI-11 bus description is not complete.
It's weight in gold, ah well, must think about that one.

	Jaap Akkerhuis

* Trademark etc. (from who after the 1st of January?)
UNIBUS, MASSBUS LSI-11, DEC are trdemarks of Digital Equipment Corporation.
Multibus, iLBX are trademarks of Intel Corporation.
VERSAbus is a trdemark of Motorola Incorporated.

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