Unmatched ". bug in csh

lab at qubix.UUCP lab at qubix.UUCP
Wed Jul 6 23:58:02 AEST 1983

When trying to set up some vi abbreviations in my .login file,
I was constantly stymied by an annoying error message:
	Unmatched ".

which came from the following lines of my .login file:
	setenv EXINIT 'set ai redraw sm wm=14\
		ab qad Larry Bickford, decvax\!decwrl\!qubix\!lab'

If you see a " anywhere on those lines, I would be happy to know.
This is doubly infuriating since later in .login I have a WORKING syntax:

	setenv EXINIT "$EXINIT"'\
		<more exinit initializers>\
		<last initializer>'

I have tried rearranging the first group in a ton of ways over the
two lines (including the second form), but get the same idiotic
error. If I move the abbreviation to the second setenv, or split
the first into two setenv's (each on its own line), it works.

Larry Bickford, {ucbvax,decvax}!decwrl!qubix!lab

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