Inaccessible password files

Steven M. Kramer smk at linus.UUCP
Sun Jul 17 17:26:39 AEST 1983

Using the passwd file again for a utility is not exactly kosher as
far as good security/separation/... goes.  The passwd is the authentication
mechanism for you to gain access to the system (thought of as a resource
in a way).  You are now using the SAME entry device for another
resource.  What you have done is munged the idea of separation of
resources.  I agree with the idea of least privilege, but you'll see
it works much better with another authentication mechanism.  I
suggest using another set of passwords.  Then you'll get both
separation, least privilege, and you can protect BOTH passwd files
--steve kramer
	{allegra,genrad,ihnp4,utzoo,philabs,uw-beaver}!linus!smk	(UUCP)
	linus!smk at mitre-bedford						(ARPA)

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