4.1bsd maximum raw read question

Steven M. Kramer smk at linus.UUCP
Sun Jun 26 01:06:56 AEST 1983

In 4.1bsd, the raw I/O is done thru physio().  The last parameter is
a routine to determine the maximum count to be transferred.  The
routine used is mostly minphys(), which limits it to 60K.  So this
means that raw I/O is done thru 60K bytes at most, right?  Can this
value be changed without any side affects?  We want this for an
application that does fast disk-disk backups (on RM05s).
--steve kramer
	{allegra,genrad,ihnp4,utzoo,philabs,uw-beaver}!linus!smk	(UUCP)
	linus!smk at mitre-bedford						(ARPA)

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