11/780 16K vs. 64K memory

Gregory A. Hill gah at linus.UUCP
Wed Jun 22 05:36:42 AEST 1983

A while back I was enquiring about the 64K memory chips for the 750. I am
currently in the process of trying to get some more memory for one of our
2M of the 64K variety + 1 controller costs about $28K.
2M of the 16K variety + 1 controller costs about $31K.
We currently have 2.5M of the 16K variety so we are thinking of upgrading
to a total of 4.5M.
It is my understanding that we cannot mix the two memories in
the sense that the 64K controller will only talk to the 64K boards and
the same for the 16K controller. Hence interleaving among different memories
is not possible.
Thus, we are considering just getting 2M of the 16K memory plus a second
controller, so that we can then interleave.
Can anybody give any good arguments for why we should get one type of memory
over the other (I'm aware of the 4-fold increase in space accrued from using
the 16K memory, but other than that)?
I don't even know if anyone runs UNIX with interleaved memory, so I would also
like some feedback on that. I mean, if we can in fact run interleaved, is this
a real important reason for sticking with the 16K memory?
Is there any advantage with going with the 64K stuff?

Given that I get a positive response on 16K memory and interleaving, I would
like to know how difficult is to do interleaving and what code is affected.
Thanks much.
--greg hill
	{allegra,genrad,ihnp4,utzoo,philabs,uw-beaver}!linus!gah	(UUCP)
	linus!gah at mitre-bedford						(ARPA)

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