lp device and xerox 2700

Bob Hoffman hoffman at pitt.UUCP
Thu Nov 17 14:37:59 AEST 1983

The 'standard' DEC line printer is a Data Products drum printer
of some variety that has practically no special features at all.
It's connected to a parallel interface card on a UNIBUS with the
following parameters:

	*CSR:	Address 0777514
		Bits:	0100000	Error
			   0200 Done
			   0100 Interrupt Enable

	BUF:	Address 0777516
		Bits:	   0177	Data (7 bits)

	Interrupt vector: 0200

As you can see, there's nothing to it.  By the way, the 'Data
Products Interface' is a de-facto standard for printers, as is
Centronics, and several manufacturers make boards that use it.

	---Bob Hoffman, U. of Pitt Computer Science
		idis!pitt!hoffman     hoffman.pitt at CSNet-Relay
* This information came from the 1973-74 Peripherals Handbook.
  Ah, things were simpler, then.  -b

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