Berkeley Flames and ihuxx!ignatz

Armando P. Stettner aps at decvax.UUCP
Sun Nov 13 14:03:25 AEST 1983

Dave, give me a break.  I must not be understanding you correctly
or you don't know what is going on:  Berkeley "sells" BSD for (at
times in the past $300.00) $750.00 which is to cover media,
documentation, and person-power.  So get off this "selling a product"

On another point, there has been a lot of care and effort taken
in 4.1 (do not know, 100% as to 4.2) to be source code compatible
with V7 (the **Real** standard UNIX).  Not only can you compile
a V7 C program on BSD (assuming no programming hacks like knowing
that an int on PDP-11's was two bytes or stuff like that) with
no changes, but you can also run (most) images from PDP-11's
V6 or V7 with the compat (too bad it is in /usr/games ...).  I have
even moved (just tar/tp'ed) images from USG Generic 2 UNIX to 4.1
for an OTC.  I am pretty sure that you can not move a V7 program to
System III or System V as easy as you can to 4.1/4.2 and you certainly
can not run PDP-11 images on VAX.  So don't hand me this stuff either.


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