Wanted: DR-11C driver for pdp and Symbolics Laser Printer

Bill Randle billr at tektronix.UUCP
Fri Nov 25 16:03:23 AEST 1983

Does anyone have a driver written to interface the Symbolics LGP-1
Laser Printer to a PDP-11/70 using the DR-11C interface board?
We have a need for one and the driver supplied by Symbolics is only
for 4.?bsd vaxen.  (We're running 2.9bsd, if it makes a difference.)

	-Bill Randle
	Tektronix, Inc.

	tektronix!billr			(uucp)
	billr at tektronix			(CSnet)
	billr.tektronix at rand-relay	(ARPA)

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