Mark Callow msc at qubix.UUCP
Mon Nov 21 18:45:29 AEST 1983

From: Steve Dyer, decvax!bbncca!sdyer
	What you describe (increasing NOFILE and _NFILE) should work just
	fine.  At BBN, we routinely run with NOFILE set to 40 (needed for some
	network monitoring programs.) You might want to increase NINODE and
	NFILE in param.h, too, if many programs are going to take advantage of
	this--otherwise, don't bother.

You do not say what version of Unix you are running.  However I believe
the original question was referring to 4.1bsd.  In the document
"Installing and Operating 4.1bsd" it says that NOFILE cannot be made
greater than 31 because of a bitfield used used in some unspecified data
structure.  It says that they expect this limitation to be removed in
future versions of the system.  However the same limitation is mentioned in
the document "Installing and Operating 4.2bsd".
	Mark Callow, Saratoga, CA.
	decwrl!qubix!msc at Berkeley.ARPA

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