Putting two memory controllers on a 780?

v.wales%ucla-locus at sri-unix.UUCP v.wales%ucla-locus at sri-unix.UUCP
Wed Nov 2 05:39:34 AEST 1983

From:            Rich Wales <v.wales at ucla-locus>

We have a VAX 11/780 running 4.1BSD, with 2.5 megabytes on a single
memory controller.  We are seriously considering getting a second con-
troller and 4 megabytes more memory, so that we would end up with 6.5
meg on two controllers.

Can anyone out there describe in any detail what performance improve-
ments we can reasonably expect to see as a result of adding a second
memory controller to a 780?

-- Rich <wales at UCLA-LOCUS>

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