Pipe buffering query

John McNamee jpm at bnl.UUCP
Thu Nov 24 10:53:19 AEST 1983

I have a need to pass the input of an interactive program
(a BASIC interpreter) thru a filter to block certain
characters. I find that if I use a pipe to do the filtering
my input is buffered and the interactive nature of the final
program is lost (try "cat|mail" to read your mail and you
can see what I mean).

Given I set up the pipe with "a | b" is there any way for
the standard output of "a" to become immediately available
on the standard input of "b"?

John McNamee
uucp: decvax!sbcs!philabs!bnl!jpm
arpa: jpm at BNL
CompuServe: 70235,1345

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