LPA11-K info

Greg Ordy ordy at cwruecmp.UUCP
Mon Sep 5 03:57:28 AEST 1983

	I have recently started to work with a DEC LPA11-K lab
subsystem on an 11/44 running 2.8 BSD. The LPA11-K is a complete
system built around a KMC11 and can take automatic A-D and D-A
measurements which move to/from the processor memory via DMA.

	The system will be used for real time measurements of
eye movement.

	I am looking for anybody with experience on the LPA11-K.
In particular, information on the KMC11 would be helpful. I know
that they have been teamed with DZ-11s for some time, so there
should be some existing expertise on programming/using it.

	Please mail me any information.

	Greg Ordy
	Usenet: decvax!cwruecmp!ordy
	CSnet: ordy at case

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