Disk Drive Question

Roger Ferrel roger at fluke.UUCP
Sat Apr 7 03:13:25 AEST 1984

I am associated with a sight that is getting together the hardware it
needs to run either 4.1 or 4.2 BSD Unix on a Vax 11/750.  They are
considering using a CDC 9715-160 or -340 Disk Drive with a Emulex SC750

I would like to hear from anyone who has experience with the above or
similar combination.  Please send your comments direct to me.  If there
is enough interest I will post a summary of what I get.

				Thank you,

    Roger L. Ferrel       (206) 356-5056
    John Fluke Mfg. Co.
    P.O. Box C9090  Everett WA  98206  

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