landscape mode for DITROFF

johnston at Lbl-Csam.ARPA johnston at Lbl-Csam.ARPA
Sun Apr 1 08:09:02 AEST 1984

From:  (Bill Johnston [csam])johnston at Lbl-Csam.ARPA

We are using DITROFF to drive a Versatec, V-80, and would like
to do landscape mode (short axis of paper pointed up) formatting.
This, I believe, only requires changes to dvar, the output
filter which drives the V-80.

Does anyone have such a modified dvar that we could get ahold of?

Also, does anyone have a dterm (the DITROFF, terminal output filter)
which will drive a tektronix (or most any other graphics) terminal?

	Thanks, Bill [johnston at lbl-csam]

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