Bug in Unix System V C compiler

Dick Dunn rcd at opus.UUCP
Sat Aug 4 17:01:55 AEST 1984

> > And of course you turkeys are careful to write code that
> > uses long identifiers so that porting it to non-BSD UNIXes
> > is much more work than it had to be.  Very professional.
> <<<<FLAME ON>>>>
> Doug, I for one am SICK AND GODDAMN TIRED of your kneejerk Berkeley phobia!
> Net.unix-wizards should be for the discussion of UNIX problems and solutions
> NOT for axe-grinding and personal insults...

Go back and read the whole sequence.  Then just back off.  Doug was
responding to some fool posting that claimed that the System V C compiler
had a bug because it didn't discriminate between two overly-long
identifiers.  Since the poster of THAT article labeled his coding problem
as a compiler bug, and compounded it by using "godamnid1" as the
identifier which illustrated it, it had already gone from a technical
matter to a flame when Doug shot back.

I don't find the treatment of long identifiers to be particularly nice, but
that's the way the language works right now and it gets tired to see people
keep flaming about the same old problems.  Moreover, I'm neither a
Berkeleyphobe nor a Berkeleyphile, but it's getting pretty old to see such
a cheap shot anytime someone like Doug tries to advocate software which is
portable to the extent of not using every little feature and featurette
that Berkeley tossed in.
Dick Dunn	{hao,ucbvax,allegra}!nbires!rcd		(303)444-5710 x3086
	...Lately it occurs to me what a long, strange trip it's been.

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