MDQS 2.8 Released
Thu Aug 30 06:42:54 AEST 1984
From: Doug Kingston <dpk at BRL-VGR.ARPA>
I am releasing version 2.8 of the Multi-Device Queuing
System today. MDQS may be obtained from BRL-TGR by anonymous
FTP using user "anonymous", and password "guest". A TAR file
containing the system is in "arch/mdqs.tar". It is 900K bytes.
Be sure to transfer it in BINARY mode and please retrieve it
outside of prime time (8am - 6pm EST).
For those of you who have sent me tapes for version 2.8,
I will be writing and mailing them in the next two days. UUCP
sites who have not sent me a tape and would like a copy should
send me a tape at the address below.
MDQS was developed by the US Army Ballistics Research Lab
and is in the public domain but remains owned by the U.S. government.
It is made available as a public service. It may not be resold
and all its original source must be acknowledged as the US Army
Ballistics Research Lab. It may be included in commercial packages
so long as it is not charged for. BRL is under no obilgation to
provide support of any kind, but I would like to establish a MDQS
bugs mailing list, so I request that anyone obtaining a copy please
send me your UUCP/ARPA/CSNET/BITNET address so that I may add you
to the list. Please send requests to be added to this list to
my address below.
Douglas P. Kingston III
Advanced Computer Systems Team
Ballistics Research Lab
APG, MD. 21005
(301) 278-6651
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