Unix (In)Security
smk at axiom.UUCP
smk at axiom.UUCP
Wed Dec 19 14:12:21 AEST 1984
KVM was an attempt at a secure kernel implementation of VM. It got
farther than most secure OS projects.
You can't formally prove any complex system. There is too much handwaving
in showing the formal specs/model really meet your requirements and the
design meets the specs. With that much handwaving, you can have the perfect
spec and a design that implements something completely different. Nothing
short of formal ties between the stages will satisfy me (not to mention the
proofs of correctness for the compiler/assembler/translator, the machine
instruction set itself -- as anyone working on a braindamaged micro can attest
--steve kramer
{allegra,genrad,ihnp4,utzoo,philabs,uw-beaver}!linus!axiom!smk (UUCP)
linus!axiom!smk at mitre-bedford (MIL)
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