Information wanted about Ridge Computers

sysred at psuvax.UUCP sysred at psuvax.UUCP
Thu Feb 2 00:52:26 AEST 1984

Can anyone give me any information about Ridge Computers?
The two page blurb I received describes a "personal mainframe"
computer (Ridge 32) with 2Mb main memory, 60Mb disk, high-res
monochrome display, "Ridge Operating System (UNIX(tm)) System V,
Pascal, C)" and Fortran.  Also claimed is "high-speed processing,
virtual memory, high-performance floating-point hardware,
and high-resolution, bit-mapped graphics".
Ralph Droms
Computer Science Department		(814) 865-9505
312 Whitmore Lab			{allegra,ihnp4}!psuvax!sysred
The Pennsylvania State University	sysred at penn-state   (csnet)
University Park, PA 16802		sysred at psuvax1      (bitnet)

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