Reading raw characters under VMS from fortran

Arnold D. Robbins arnold at gatech.UUCP
Fri Feb 3 08:12:44 AEST 1984

My brother is an electrical engineer working on a VAX running VMS (3.4, he
thinks), at a company not on the net.  He is using Fortran.  He has a device
on the same line as his terminal.  He would like to be able to tell the vax
"here comes some raw data, do no processing on it", then flip a switch and
have the device dump into the vax.  The idea is to get VMS to ignore control
characters, etc.  If he had a function a la getch(c) which would return the
raw characters to his fortran program, he would be satisfied.

I am posting this to unix-wizards in the hope that some of you who have vaxen
running both os's (to be pitied, but that is not the point) are also VMS
wizards.  I am also posting to lang.f77 since he's working in fortran.

Essentially, he needs the equivalent of "stty raw" under VMS.  Please reply
to me, and I will send him any responses.  ALL help is appreciated.

Of course, he should be running Unix, but their vax doesn't have enough
memory either (only .5 meg).  It seems that their management is penny wise and
pound foolish......

Thanks in advance,
Arnold Robbins
CSNET: arnold at gatech		ARPA: arnold.gatech at CSNet-relay
UUCP:	...!{akgua,allegra,rlgvax,sb1,ut-sally}!gatech!arnold

Did'ja ever have one of those re-incarnations?

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