...be glad your version doesn't do this.

991%njit-eies at sri-unix.UUCP 991%njit-eies at sri-unix.UUCP
Fri Jun 15 01:06:09 AEST 1984

From:        "Martin R. Lyons" <991 at njit-eies>

An excerpt from the June 1984 issue of the Communications of the ACM,
"Talking to UNIX in English: An Overview of UC", by R. Wilensky,
Y. Arens, and D. Chin on page 576 contains the following dialogue
between a UNIX user and the AI program, here denoted by NI:

User: I'm trying to get some more disk space.
NI: Type 'rm *'

 MAILNET: Marty at NJIT-EIES.Mailnet
 USPS:    Marty Lyons, CCCC @ New Jersey Institute of Technology,
          323 High St., Newark, NJ 07102    (201) 596-2929

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