background processes and logging out

dan%cit-vax at sri-unix.UUCP dan%cit-vax at sri-unix.UUCP
Fri Mar 2 11:22:21 AEST 1984

From:  Dan Whelan <dan at cit-vax>

We have a program which automatically finds all processes associated with 
a terminal and asks the user if he wants to kill them. This is automatically
run whan a user logs out. (Our csh has a modification whereby it runs 
/usr/lib/sys_logout after ~/.logout).


I now consider myself a 'boki' in 'dikduk' (:-)).
Any questions or comments?
Eli Posner

I wonder how much would it cost to build one of these fences for the modest 
needs of one family.  Or if it requires the quoted huge dimentions to work.  
Also, are there positive or negative ions as a by-product? 

 -- kirk

Does anyone know how electric blankets work?  It has been said in
this list that the thermostat is in the blanket itself, and I would
tend to believe that because the temperature regulation seems to 
work (ie if its set low, it doesn't stay on alot).  However, the
control box with the knob on it seems to be a thermostat, it
clicks on and off with temperature, and there doesn't seem to
be any thermostat in the blanket itself that I can see.

If the thermostat is in the blanket, what is it like and how does
it make the control box click on and off?  

If it is not, and the thermostat is in the control box, how does
it regulate the temperature of the blanket?


PS, I am pretty sure there is al path server.  Lacking
that,  we can hope that enough people read net.all or feel altruistic to
cause the net.path group to work.  I suggest we create it and ask people to
send mail to whoever creates it if they manage to find a path--that way we
can see if it actually works, and get some feeling for how long it takes.

Another point in its favor is the typical item would be extremely short--it
would cost very little, in terms of transmission charges, for the number of
messages carried.
					Bennett Todd
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