Csh bug? (Grows forever) - (nf)

olson at fortune.UUCP olson at fortune.UUCP
Tue May 8 13:05:45 AEST 1984

fortune!olson    May  7 18:25:00 1984

The csh (at least the 4.1 csh) does use malloc and free to do memory
allocation.  (In fact, it does more malloc'ing and free'ing than any
other program I've seen!)

It is possible that during the port someone messed up
on signal handling, so that things are left in a strange state after
an interrupt.  It is also possible that some kind of error was
introduced to the malloc/free/realloc code that only shows up under
intensive use.

If the person(s) doing the port made modifications to the csh, they
could have introduced some errors; malloc/free are very unforgiving
of errors (particularly those involving freeing memory not allocated
by malloc).

	Dave Olson, Fortune Systems
	UUCP: {ihnp4,ucbvax!amd70}!fortune!olson
	ARPA: amd70!fortune!olson at BERKELEY

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