Japanese character sets

joemu at tekecs.UUCP joemu at tekecs.UUCP
Thu May 10 07:06:58 AEST 1984

From: tekecs!joemu (Joe Mueller)
I am currently trying to determine the feasibility of supporting the Japanese
language in some software I'm developing. Does anyone have any information
regarding the "standard" I hear vague references to? Does anyone know where
I can get a copy of it (IN ENGLISH). The standard is (I believe) a 16 bit
code with the Romaji (English) subset being an 8 bit code. Is the Romagi
subset equivilent to ASCII? If anyone has done this type of work, I'd like
to hear about problems/pitfalls to watch out for. Thanks in advance,

					Joe Mueller

UUCP:	...!{ucbvax or decvax}!tektronix!tekecs!joemu (ignore return address)
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