Sytek network

Marty Sasaki sasaki at harvard.UUCP
Sat May 26 01:18:33 AEST 1984

Harvard has installed the Sytek LocalNet 20 hardware. We need help
with the following:

    o	We have determined that EIA flow control is the most appropriate
	for most communication between computers. The problem is that
	most multiplexors don't support this adequately in hardware. A
	preliminary look at the software seems to indicate that modifications
	would be difficult and might not work (polling seems to take too
	many cpu cycles).

    o	We would like to put a high speed machine to machine network onto
	the same cable that the Sytek stuff runs on. Ideally this would
	be an ethernet-style board. We plan on running TCP/IP on the hardware.

Any reasonable suggestions are welcome. We can't dump the Sytek. It has already
been paid for and installed.

We have Vaxen running 4.2 BSD and VMS, and PDP-11/70's running V7 and 2.9 BSD.

Thanks in advance.

			Marty Sasaki

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