Curious UUCP behavior (System V & Version 7)

Erik E. Fair fair at dual.UUCP
Thu May 31 04:18:41 AEST 1984

We've been running a sV r1 UUCP since early February, and I have observed
a curious interaction between out sV UUCP, and v7 UUCP's (both ours
and other systems (e.g. 4BSD)).

When both systems are done with whatever transfers were queued, they both
do a `conversation complete' handshake (and log that), the sV UUCP goes
away (and exec's uuxqt), but the v7 one hangs on for about 50 seconds,
apparently waiting for something. The v7 UUCP does not exhibit this behavior
when it talks to other v7 systems. Therefore I infer that sV UUCP isn't
doing something that v7 is expecting it to do to complete a conversation.

Does anyone know what that is?

	Erik E. Fair	ucbvax!fair	fair at ucb-arpa.ARPA

	dual!fair at Berkeley.ARPA
	Dual Systems Corporation, Berkeley, California

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