Obvious password detector / eliminator

steve at BRL-BMD.ARPA steve at BRL-BMD.ARPA
Fri May 4 15:15:09 AEST 1984

From:      Stephen Wolff <steve at BRL-BMD.ARPA>

Hear, hear!  Let's hear it for concatenated nonsense syllables - or even
non-nonsense syllables; 3 x (3 consonants + 1 vowel), say, and then assume
only 1% of those are - for whatever reason - usable.

	    We use auto-disconnect after three unsuccessful login
	    attempts, so that 6 tries per minute is a generous
	    figure for dial-ups or telnets, even if automated.
	    And we check the bad-login-attempts files every day.

We feel the arithmetic odds against a break-in before detection are tolerable.

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