Removing a bad directory

overstre at dca-eur.ARPA overstre at dca-eur.ARPA
Thu May 10 23:49:57 AEST 1984

From:  Herbert Overstreet <overstre at dca-eur.ARPA>

I took over this host in March and have been trying to get rid of a bad
directory which was created in November. The directory cat/file string
is '/u17/lost+found/#005628'.  I position myself at the directory
'lost+found' and then enter "rm -rf *562*" just encase there are any
unprintable characters.  The response is 'rmdir: Cannot remove "#005628".
No such file or directory.'  Do you have any suggestions on how to clean
this out.  Thanks:
Herb Overstreet   (DCA-EUR Administrator)

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