Need downloader to RSX-11M (gasp)

geoff at callan.UUCP geoff at callan.UUCP
Wed May 9 05:20:10 AEST 1984

>RSX-11M generally does not support type-ahead -- characters coming
>from a terminal line are ignored if no read is pending.

No longer true, not since 11M 3.2 was released.  As of 3.2, any given program
had typeahead available as long as it kept the TTY open.  Typeahead was
still not available at the MCR level (DEC seemed to consider this a feature).

By the bye, re Files-11 and stream vs. counted records:  I used to be DEC's
Files-11 guy on 11M.  I can guarantee you that counted records was the norm.
RMS, which was originally supposed to be a superset of Files-11, most
assuredly also supported counted records.  I never heard of RMS streams, but
then I never really used RMS much (it's a little large for your average 11/70).

	Geoff Kuenning
	Callan Data Systems

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