Is 'ksh' available.

Dave Cohrs dave at uwvax.UUCP
Mon Nov 12 09:29:46 AEST 1984

> This means
> we now have shell functions (generalization of csh "alias"),
> built-in "echo" & "pwd" (I fixed the symbolic-link behavior of
> "pwd" for 4.2BSD to act like something sensible instead of
> following ".." literally), and job control.  About the only csh
> feature still lacking is a command history mechanism; probably
> a tcsh-like editing facility but without using termcap would be
> the way to go for this.
> 	Committee to Stamp Out Csh

What? No history?  Listen man, this is probably the one feature I
wouldn't give up from csh.  I hate having to retype commands, especially
when they get long.  If by tcsh editing facility you man yanking/putting
and screen editing, this is fine for stuff on your screen, but not
very useful when the command has scrolled off of your screen, or worse
yet, was something you previously executing 50 commands ago.

	The Committee to Preserve useful 4.2BSD Features
(Bug?  What bug?  That's a feature!)

Dave Cohrs
dave at

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