Is 'ksh' available.

Ray Lubinsky rwl at uvacs.UUCP
Wed Nov 14 00:24:22 AEST 1984

> My impression is that the Korn shell is not generally available
> outside AT&T.  Meanwhile, various ksh-like features have been
> appearing in the official Bourne shell.  At BRL, Ron Natalie has
> 	Committee to Stamp Out Csh


I'm intrigued.  Could somebody in the know please post a brief description of
ksh?  What makes it so much better than csh (or sh, for that matter)?  Is it
easier to program?  More convenient for command-line operations?  What?

Thanks in advance!


Ray Lubinsky		     University of Virginia, Dept. of Computer Science
			     uucp: decvax!mcnc!ncsu!uvacs!rwl

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