AT&T 3Bx System

Andrew T. Schnable schnable at ihuxf.UUCP
Sat Nov 3 08:54:05 AEST 1984

The modifications needed to compile existing C code 
for the 3b2 are minimal, especially if you start with 3b20 code. 

	1) link using the -f flag if the application
	   uses floating point.

	2) look for u3b ifdef's and add similar u3b2 ifdef's.

That's all I've ever had to do. Of course, if you start with 
VAX code you may have to worry about signed vs. unsigned chars
and more, depending upon the application. 

I don't think the 3b2 is slow at all. Given the choice of
using a 3b2 or a loaded (40 people) VAX 11/780, I would use 
the 3b2 any day (in fact, I do.)

andy ihuxf!schnable

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