UNIX trademark

Russell K. Rew russ at hao.UUCP
Sat Nov 24 08:11:58 AEST 1984

After seeing the rules from the AT&T lawyers stating that UNIX should
appear in all caps or be otherwise distinguished typographically, it is
interesting to note the only occurrence of UNIX in all caps in Brian
Kernighan's article, "The Unix System and Software Reusability" in the
latest IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering is in presenting the
sed example:
	sed 's/UNIX/Unix/g' filenames... > output
"Unix" is flagrantly used as a noun many places in the same article, which
also includes the phrases "Unix world," "Unix community," and (gasp, sputter)
"Unix users."  Is Brian Kernighan trying to wage an inside battle against the

  Russ Rew
  {ucbvax!hplabs | allegra!nbires | decvax!stcvax | harpo!seismo | ihnp4!stcvax}

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