CAL and CAI under UNIX: information sought

Derek Austin derek at uqpsych.oz
Thu Nov 8 03:41:53 AEST 1984

I am about to begin a literature search for applications using UNIX
for Computer Assisted Learning.  I hope to compile a list of current
systems people are using with a view to using/improving their ideas.

I would be grateful if anyone has any pointers on where I might start. 
Specific references would be most appreciated.  

If you can't help but would like any information I come up with,
please drop me a line.

	Many thanks,

 Derek Austin                ----------------------------------------------
 Department of Psychology   | ACSNET:  derek:uqpsych                       |
 University of Queensland   | UUCP:    decvax!mulga!derek:uqpsych          |
 St Lucia   4067            | ARPA:    decvax!mulga!derek.uqpsych at Berkeley |
 AUSTRALIA                   ----------------------------------------------

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