UNIX trademark

God root%bostonu.csnet at csnet-relay.arpa
Mon Nov 19 07:29:02 AEST 1984

	AT&T sent me a copy of what appeared to be the start of
	a user's magazine called '$ echo' dated July 1984.
	(does anyone know any more about this mag? definitely
	published by AT&T)

	At any rate, there is an entire legalish article devoted
	to (title:) "Use of the Trademark UNIX"
	A few choice comments that might settle the issue:

	'UNIX is an unregistered trademark of AT&T Bell Laboratories
	used to identify its particular brand of software.'
	'A trademark identifies the source of a product.'
	'The trademark UNIX must always appear in a form that is
	typographically distinct'
	'The trademark UNIX must be clearly and legibly identified
	as a trademark of AT&T at least once in any article, advertisement
	or document...'
	(because it is UNREGISTERED don't use (R) )
	(essentially no one but AT&T is licensed to use the UNIX trademark)
	'The trademark UNIX may not be used as a noun, but must always
	be used as an adjective modifying a common noun as in "UNIX
	operating system"' [good example]
	'A way to check whether a use of the trademark is correct is to
	mentally insert the word "Brand" between the trademark and the
	common name. "UNIX brand operating system" sounds reasonable
	but "UNIX Brand user" does not' [a verbatim quote, I swear.]

A few other points.

			-Barry Shein, Boston University

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