rlogind and background processes

Mark Plotnick mp at allegra.UUCP
Fri Nov 9 03:17:03 AEST 1984

rlogind sends a signal 9 to all processes in the user's login process
group when the user logs out.  If the user uses /bin/sh, then the
user's entire process tree, including background uucico's and sendmail's,
gets creamed.  This is less than optimal.  Is there any reason why
the following wouldn't work?
   - in rlogind.c, change kill(0, SIGTERM) to kill(0, SIGHUP)
   - in login.c, add a signal(SIGHUP,SIG_DFL) before the user's
     login shell is invoked.  This is necessary because getty's and
     login's that are invoked from daemons (such as rlogind and chserver)
     apparently have SIGHUP ignored.

	Mark Plotnick
	Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Processes

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