Ethernet terminal servers

Sean Byrne scb at philabs.UUCP
Wed Oct 24 06:59:45 AEST 1984

Has anyone any experience with terminal servers?
I know that Bridge Communications and Interlan are/have
worked something up.  Anybody used these, or have any
other alternatives?

USENET-	      ....		Sean Byrne
4 years	    .  /\  .		CSRG, Philips Laboratories
of anarchy .  /  \  .		Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510
freedom	   . /    \ .		(914) 945-6006
and	 ---/------\---		
chaos.	   /.      .\		UUCP: {allegra,decvax,ihnp4}!philabs!scb
	  /   . . .  \		EUNET: {prlb2,mcvax,phlash}!philabs!scb

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