2.9 on 73s and ethernet drivers

Alan J. Dempster ajd at ic-cs.UUCP
Wed Oct 31 01:52:47 AEST 1984

  We are planning to build a 2.9 system on a /73 and intend to use ethernet in 
  our research group. I thought I would enquire of those in the know before we 
  start to see if there is anything on the net which might help. Specific 
  questions therefore are

  1. Are there any changes which are needed for the standard distribution
     before it will run on a 73?

  2. Are there any compatible ethernet drivers available for ( probably ) the 
     QNA board?

  Our configuration ( as planned ) :

	73 plus 1Mb NS memory board
	Dilog 228 plus Fujitsu 160Mb winchester
	TU10 emulated tape ( via Emulex TC01? )
	RL02 and RX02

  Any help or suggestions appreciated:-

	Alan Dempster,		..!ukc!kcl-cs!ic-cs!ajd
	CONIC project,
	Dept. of Computing,
	Imperial College,
	London SW7	

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