3B20-Tandem data link inquiry

Mark L. Tompkins mlt at mb2c.UUCP
Fri Apr 19 05:43:03 AEST 1985

Has anyone heard of or have knowledge about any type of data link between
a Western Electric 3B20S and a Tandem NonStop II?  The situation is this:
Users on the 3B20 want the capability to access a database on the Tandem
in order to extract records, which will then be brought back to the 3B.
Our Tandem account rep here at MBT checked with the Tandem network, and 
as far as they know, there is nothing of this sort in existence.  If anyone
has any info pertaining to this proposed link, I would sincerely appreciate
                         Thanks in advance,
                         Mark Tompkins
                         Michigan Bell Telephone Co.
P.S.  Apologies if this seems like a strange newsgroup to post this inquiry,
      but there is no group named net.3B-->NSII.

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