Looking for ethernet maximums and other considerations

Sean Byrne scb at philabs.UUCP
Fri Apr 5 01:49:57 AEST 1985

	We are expanding our ethernet to cover more floors, etc and
what I would like are some guidelines, and helpful advice as to maximums
of etherent without repeaters, best type of transceiver (the Interlan
seems to be the best), longest length of transceiver cable, etc.
On the ether are numerous Sun Workstations, Vax 785's, 750's, IRIS and
Apollo Workstations, with some thought of adding the pdp11's.

I know that vaguely, etherenet doesn't like to run for more than a mile
and transceivers should be placed at least 8 ft apart, but I would like
other guidlines.  Thanks and I will post a cute report, summarizing said
guidlelines later.

USENET-	      ....		Sean Byrne
5 years	    .  /\  .		CSRG, Philips Laboratories
of anarchy .  /  \  .		Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510
freedom	   . /    \ .		(914) 945-6242
and	 ---/------\---		
chaos.	   /.      .\		UUCP: {allegra,decvax,ihnp4}!philabs!scb
	  /   . . .  \		EUNET: {prlb2,mcvax,phlash}!philabs!scb

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