/etc/config bug on a SUN-100??

Brad Parker brad at gcc-bill.ARPA
Mon Aug 26 08:45:44 AEST 1985

While building a new kernel this weekend (what else to do when the
weather is IFR?) I seem to have found a bug in /etc/config on this
nifty SUN-100 box (Sun unix v1.3).

It seems as though /etc/config refuses to accept a new device with the
name "at0". The line:

device		at0 at mb0 csr 0x4000 priority 4

Gave me "syntax error" (or something similar) no matter what I did. I checked
devices.sun and files.sun (even conf.c) to no avail. To my suprise, upon
changing the device name to "ab0" everything worked fine (I didn't even have
to change the other files!)

So, I fired up emacs and changed all the required places to "ab" and it worked
like a champ. Like um, I've written a few parsers in my day and like, I did
notice that the next word is "at". Could this be, like, a bug in the parse?
(heavy emphasis on the Calif. beach accent - "like wow, naurly waves!")

Any ideas? Sun? Berkeley? Anyone? (ab is cool, but I really wanted "at").

J Bradford Parker
uucp: seismo!harvard!gcc-bill!brad

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