ioctl/termio/Xenix SIII

Peter DaSilva peter at kitty.UUCP
Sat Aug 10 03:26:21 AEST 1985

> Also note that, unless UniSoft broke the tty driver rather badly (which I
> consider to be largely outside the realm of possibility), the read "timeout"
> isn't really a timeout; the clock doesn't start running until the first
> character comes in.

More interesting & useful.

> > This broke several programs I was trying to maintain on a system that
> > was converted from SIII to SV. I still haven't gotten Xmodem to work
> > reliably again
> The programs were broken already.  If you turn off ICANON you *must* also
> set MIN and TIME to some other values - MIN of 1 and TIME of 0 will emulate
> V7's CBREAK mode exactly - if you want reliable results.  If you didn't do
> so, go fix your code.

Nope. The system wasn't really SIII. I have since found out that Microsoft
did their first SIII port by adding the SIII commands & making a few cosmetic
changes to a V7 port. So, it was a V7 to SV conversion, not SIII to SV.

> > The 4.2 method of handling timouts is much better, since it ADDS a
> > function, instead of CHANGING an existing one.
> What "4.2 method of handling timeouts"?  If you mean using
> "alarm"/"setitimer", that's in S3/S5 ("alarm", that is; only 4.2BSD has
> "setitimer", alas); it's been there since before V6.  If you mean the
> timeout in "select", that's a timeout, not a silo drain clock like TIME in
> S3/S5 (as was pointed out before).

You're right. Someone hit me.

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