Sun's Network Disk (ND) on the VAX

Tony Begg tony at brueer.UUCP
Sun Aug 11 11:08:13 AEST 1985

Gould have implemented both the Sun Network Disk (ND) protocol and the Sun
Network File System (NFS) on their machines, allowing the use of Sun diskless
nodes without a Sun disk server. Has anyone implemented the ND protocol on 
the VAX? I know that Mt XINU have implemented the NFS on the VAX, but with
that I will still need a Sun disk server to run diskless nodes. I am looking
to protect existing investment while moving to workstations and would like to
turn one of my VAXes into a disk server cum file server.

Thanks in anticipation.

Tony Begg         ...mcvax!ukc!reading!brueer!tony

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